BAMA Events-the B.A.M.A

Aikido Competitions in Scotland. Events of 2012


Aikido, a modern Japanese martial art known for its focus on harmony and redirecting an opponent's energy, has found a dedicated following in Scotland. In 2012, the Scottish aikido community witnessed an array of exciting competitions that showcased the grace, discipline, and skill of its practitioners. This article delves into the noteworthy aikido events that took place across Scotland in 2012, highlighting the camaraderie and passion shared among aikidokas during these spirited competitions.

  1. Scottish Aikido Federation (SAF) National Seminar: Date: March 24-25, 2012 Location: Edinburgh

The Scottish Aikido Federation's National Seminar in Edinburgh was a significant gathering for aikido enthusiasts across the country. Renowned instructors from various dojos came together to lead intensive training sessions, focusing on the principles of aikido techniques, mindfulness, and the philosophy behind the martial art. Participants had the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners, fostering a sense of unity and shared knowledge among Scottish aikidokas.

  1. Glasgow Friendship Seminar: Date: June 9-10, 2012 Location: Glasgow

The Glasgow Friendship Seminar embodied the essence of aikido's harmonious spirit. Aiming to promote friendship and mutual learning, this event welcomed aikidokas from different affiliations and styles to train together. The seminar's inclusive nature encouraged the exchange of ideas, techniques, and cultural experiences, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie within the Scottish aikido community.

  1. Scottish Aikido Grading and Demonstration Day: Date: September 15, 2012 Location: Dundee

The Scottish Aikido Grading and Demonstration Day in Dundee was a milestone event for many dedicated practitioners. Students of various levels showcased their progress and skills through dynamic demonstrations. The event culminated in a grading session where participants tested their proficiency to advance to higher ranks. This occasion not only recognized the dedication of individual aikidokas but also celebrated the growth of aikido in Scotland.

  1. Aikido Bridge Seminar: Date: November 17-18, 2012 Location: Edinburgh

The Aikido Bridge Seminar was a unique event that brought together practitioners from different martial arts backgrounds, exploring the connections and synergies between aikido and other disciplines. Renowned aikido instructors collaborated with experts from judo, karate, and other arts to demonstrate the interconnectedness of various martial practices. This innovative seminar broadened the horizons of Scottish aikidokas, providing them with fresh perspectives on their training.

The year 2012 witnessed Scotland's aikido community flourishing through a series of meaningful and engaging events. These competitions and seminars not only provided a platform for aikidokas to showcase their skills but also fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among practitioners from different dojos and affiliations. Through dedication, discipline, and the spirit of harmony, aikido continues to leave a profound impact on the martial arts landscape in Scotland. As the years progress, these events will undoubtedly continue to inspire and elevate the practice of aikido in the country.